Today I am a rebel

Here I am..sitting in the “Conservatory”..sounds right came with the house.. We moved in here just last February. It’s a nice place to be with a bit garden, neighbours that say “Hello” in the passing, have a wee blether, but for the most part keep to themselves, just like us.

We have three bedrooms, I am saying “Us” and “We” so I should explain. Joanne and I moved in together here. We’ve been together for over 10 years but this is us living together now, aye it took a while but we got here. Back to the three bedrooms. We sleep in one, one is my music room and the other is Joannes therapy room.

Joanne is a holistic therapist, different types of treatments but the ones we all know would be massage, reflexology, Indian head massage and so on. You’re thinking what a lucky guy having a therapist in the house, must get massages all the time right? Wrong! I am the guinea pig when the new treatments are being learnt but after that, not so much coming my way. But that’s okay actually because when I really need something Joanne will sort me out and I have to recognise that these treatments can be physically demanding and her own clients come before me..don’t want her to burn out after all.

So yes, here I am with my cup of tea and a roll up, contemplating the rain which is rattling off the plastic roof. I’m pondering, pondering Blog subjects. I set up the website for Change The Ride and it has a blog so now I feel the need to write stuff for it. But what to write?

I could discuss Julain Assange and that situation, maybe the Brexit carry on that’s happening in the UK just now, or how about Scottish Independence that may come off the back of Brexit. Perhaps the state of the education system, or healthcare. Why is so much money pumped into constant war or the banking system, money, cashless society, the list goes on.

Then there’s governments, politicians, links to big business, big business itself. The arms industry, chemical industry, food industry..all the industries. We could contemplate 9/11 whose official story just keeps unravelling. We could ask what are Israel and the USA all about with the Palestinians and question actions surrounding other countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon.. Did man land on the moon, is this reality simply a hologram, have we been infiltrated by aliens.. the list goes on and on..there’s loads more.

But no, I’m not going to write about any of those today. Today is one of those days when I can sit with my cup of tea and just enjoy the reality that right now for me life is good. Many others are not so fortunate and they are not forgotten. Sometimes it is good to kick back and just appreciate life as it is when we can and a rainy Sunday afternoon is as good a time as any. I have a roof over my head, food in the cupboard, bills are paid up to date and I am healthy, it’s all good.

Outside the insanity of our World still runs riot but that can wait until tomorrow. Today I am a rebel, recharging, feeling good, enjoying life, and surviving, living even, despite or in spite of those who might wish otherwise and concoct ever more “Things” to bring us down, make us worry, make us fearful, ultimately to make us comply.

Today I will not comply. Today I am happy and healthy. Today I am a rebel. Put the kettle on, be happy and let’s rebel together.

Take it easy