New Album Released

Well here we’s out there. You can buy it right here

It has taken me 40 years to actually put out a recorded version of any of what I have been referring to for decades as my controversial music. Some of it has been played live, most of it hasn’t, but all of this album unlike others who feel releasing an album is the end of something, for me this marks the beginning of an era, the era of writing, rewriting and recording songs with something to say.

Not only that but also getting in touch with people, just like you, who perhaps share my feelings that the World is not such a good place right now. To know that we are not alone with these thoughts and to be able to discuss them with others is so liberating. We may not change things today or tomorrow but it will happen.

So now I’m off to get a cup of tea and toast the music, what has been and what is to come. It’s all rather exciting.

Take it easy

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