Never Mind The Bollocks.. Here’s 2021

Never Mind The Bollocks.. Here’s 2021..

Firstly, I would like to wish you a very happy Christmas. My hope would be that like me you will celebrate surrounded by friends and family with no head count, no thought for household numbers.. just a great time.

As the year draws to a close we all do that thing don’t we? We look back over the previous 12 months, remember the good things about it, sometimes the not so good, and we make plans for the next year, we look forward to what the coming year might bring. As we move from 2020 to 2021 things are a bit different though aren’t they?

The year 2020 will go down in the history books as a momentous moment in time. The victor writes that history and it still remains to be seen who will win what has become a battle not only with those forcing this new way of life on us but a battle with the people who blindly support them.

All the support, 100% of it, is born out of fear not out of any understanding of the facts. Many claim to be fearful for their friends and family, some even claim their concern is for complete strangers, but ultimately and without exception the real fear is for themselves and their own well-being. Of course people are concerned for others but there will not be any self sacrificing, this is all about our own individual fear for our own existence.

Over the last 10 months we have been bombarded with slogans, Stay Home, Save Lives, Save The NHS and so on. It’s hard to argue with any of those slogans without sounding like a complete psychopath but that was always the intention of course. Governments invest hundreds of thousands of pounds every year in psychology think tanks to analyse the populations likely response to any given situation so it is no accident that the snappy little phrases are firstly easily remembered as they roll off the tongue and secondly they are hard to contradict whilst remaining an apparently caring, compassionate individual which is something we all want to be, or at least have others think we are.

The mainstream media have played their part so well. They have shown themselves to be part of the establishment, part of the system which is there to feed the propaganda out to the population. They have questioned nothing of any consequence during the last year. The same is true for the politicians of all persuasions too. From time to time they might have presented what appears to be a negative story from the Governments point of view but always just in time that gets turned around and oh happy days we are saved from the brink yet again.

I believe that back in the first few months of the year we can all forgive ourselves for not really understanding what was going on. We went along with the initial restrictions because we simply didn’t know what else to do faced with this unprecedented situation. We went along with the lockdown in March as we didn’t know any better and were given the impression that if we did this then life could get back to normal. However, during the weeks we were all banned from the streets, many people who were unable to go to work suddenly had time on their hands and started to look at what was going on.

There were early signs that the Government either did not have a clue what to do or perhaps had no intention of doing anything in the first place, preferring to do nothing and just go with the much touted herd immunity strategy. If they had called it community immunity instead people may have got on board with it but that of course was never the intention. The intention was to lay out the doing nothing scenario, coupled with pumping out the fear, to horrify people with their already fear fuelled thoughts which would then have the population screaming out for some sort of action and that is what they got.

Have we forgotten so soon the PPE fiascos and the unnecessary panicked rush for ventilators? Have we forgotten all the small companies who asked the Government if they should increase their PPE production to help, the small companies who offered to build ventilators? Have we forgotten that these offers of assistance went unanswered? Did we even know the offers had been made? Instead we watched and waited for the party donors to be handed out hefty contracts worth millions of pounds and in return we got.. not a lot.

By the time the ventilator contracts had been handed out they were no longer required as it transpired they were not needed and were in fact not necessarily the best way to treat a Covid 19 patient anyway. Where is that money now? The PPE, again multi millions of pounds given to party donors and their, on occasion brand new companies, just formed for this very reason, and again we got… not a lot. Even now we still import the majority of PPE from other countries.

We could sum this last section up as a major theft of public money. People forget that Governments do not have any money of their own, they take our tax money and use it as if it is theirs to do with as they please, to do with as we allow. It is the peoples money. When a Government takes a loan from a bank (A whole new story in itself) it is the people who will pay that loan back whether or not we wanted to take the loan in the first place.

What has happened here is that the Government has basically taken our money, given it to companies run by their donors and have received nothing in return. In our World if we paid for something we did not receive we would be asking for a refund. This is something we should be seeing happening but of course we won’t, not without a huge effort on our part. The Government never intended to take back the money, that was never the point. They were seen to do something and that was all the effect they wanted and if they and some of their friends could make a tidy sum at the same time, all the better. Will we, the people, demand a refund? I would suggest that is unlikely at the moment as there is still too much fear to focus on, a virus to be concerned about, as long as something does not affect us personally the chances are we will sit back, quiver in the corner, and just take whatever is coming next. We will see.

Back to the March lockdown. Well it was a wee holiday wasn’t it? The weather turned out really nice too. The air was full of the sound of lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, hammers, saws, oh yes we were all getting on with those jobs we had put off for so long, but now we had the opportunity to get them done. It was a paid holiday even though we had to stay at home, the weather was good, the barbecues were out, only a few weeks and this would all be over, happy days. Only it wasn’t.

The two or three or four weeks of lockdown just carried on. Even now, 10 months on, there are people still furloughed. We now have a tiered system to deal with it all. That in itself indicates that this is never going to be over as far as those in power are concerned. Turn it up, turn it down, on and on forever more, or at least for as long as people allow it to be. But of course the other effect of the lockdown, as I mentioned yonks ago is that people had time to look up information, to consider what was happening and to come to the realisation that what they were being told did not match what they were seeing, their experience, what they were reading.

A quick example. Masks. Masks are now a thing. For the first half of 2020 we heard from scientists, the World Health Organisation and others that the widespread use of face masks would make no difference to the spread of this virus and could in fact be detrimental to the wearers health. Reports stretching back decades all concluded the same thing and in the first half of 2020 these reports were easily found online. There are even a multitude of reports, again decades of research, showing that surgeons wearing masks during surgery makes no difference to cross infection, in fact the mask wearing surgeons figures were slightly worse.

The mask discussion was ignited in the media. Should we, shouldn’t we? A disappointingly large contingent of the population started wearing masks voluntarily and demanded that everyone should do likewise. The discussion in the media quickly changed to a chorus of we should all be wearing masks. I call it a discussion but of course it was nothing of the sort, it was a one way street with no opportunity to publicise the alternative view.

In the middle of the year after the publication of a little known document, whose background is currently unknown to many including me, this all changed. Decades of research were unceremoniously dumped in the bucket in favour of this new document which of course now claimed mask wearing was definitely beneficial. The politicians jumped on this, their bought and paid for scientific advisors of course followed suit. A larger section of the now scared to death, literally, general population then joined in too with demands for everyone to be wearing masks.

And so it came to pass. Masks are now mandated within shops and other confined spaces, becoming the normal. Masks have become a fashion item. Masks have even become a personal Christmas decoration. A quick prediction.. in 2021, if things carry on down this same road, masks will be a legal requirement for you to leave your house, to walk down the street, to go to the park, the beach, to go anywhere.

Masks are no more effective now than they were last year but the population has been convinced that they make a difference. How many times have we heard, “I wear my mask for everyone else, not for me?” That is the real bollocks. No-one, and I mean absolutely no-one, gives a damn about me and my health as I walk through the supermarket. They are wearing the mask for themselves, to make themselves feel safer and the absolute hypocrisy of this is the claim that it is done to keep everyone else safe.

Wearing a mask is simply a sign for everyone else that this mask wearer is complying with the rules. This mask wearer is a good citizen looking out for their fellow citizens. The truth is, and let’s think about this for just a minute longer, masks are PPE. We all know that masks are PPE. Most people will know that PPE stands for Personal Protection Equipment. The key word is Personal. It is personal to the wearer. Has anything, ever, been so misrepresented? Well, okay, something probably has. But when did PPE start to protect anyone other than the wearer? However, the key point here is that masks are a sign to everyone else, wear it or be considered selfish because you don’t care about anyone else, even though the only person being offered slight, if any, protection from a virus is the wearer.

It has now come to the point where anything that is not part of the main narrative, the main story, is immediately called a Conspiracy Theory. The term itself originates in the 60’s when the CIA/FBI wanted to shut down those questioning the death of JFK. They ran a campaign to have the term conspiracy theorist slapped on anyone who questioned what they had been told and to have that term associated with nutters, the tin foil hat type, and that still continues today. Many people will simply not read information that has been labelled as a conspiracy theory, thereby missing out on what could be very useful information. If anyone actually still believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was a loan gunman who shot JFK umpteen times from a window with an old rifle and a magic bullet, well just put your mask back on.

Remember “Save The NHS” and stop it being overrun? Of course you do. This message was put out by the very same people who cut the funding systematically for over 10 years. These same people who voted consistently to cut the NHS funding. These same people started to claim we had to “Save The NHS” and hardly anyone questioned their commitment to the statement. These are the same people who have large personal investments in drug companies and private health businesses. The same people who have already privatised large swathes of the NHS for their own financial gain. Yet they managed to convince the majority of people they were sincere about saving the NHS?

We were shown images in the media of hospital wards full of people, intensive care units unable to cope. It went missed by many that a large number of the same images were used across the media in many different countries all claiming to be in “Their” hospitals. Of course these pictures could have been taken anytime, anywhere, but all over the World the people were told it was here and it was now.

At the same time many members of the public thought to check out the claims for themselves and found that their local hospitals were empty. In the UK we had nurses, doctors and other hospital staff learning dance routines which at first we thought was oh so cute, until it started to dawn on some that these members of staff were supposed to be up to their eyes in sick and dying people? How could they then have time to learn and perform dance routines?

However, like a lot of online material questions have to be asked. Were the people depicted in the dancing videos actually hospital staff or simply dancers? We have already discussed the drive to sell off the NHS and what better way to get people onside with that than to sow dissatisfaction, discredit the staff by claiming they were learning and performing dance routines when they should have been looking after all these sick people we were told were in hospital?

Further discrediting of the NHS is occurring with the long waiting times now for appointments non Covid 19 related. The NHS were told to cancel everything and prepare for Covid 19 back in February. The did as they were asked. It was unnecessary as there were not floods of Covid 19 patients but what it has done is created an enormous backlog of patients for the NHS to try and deal with. This will become another point to press home and increase dissatisfaction with the NHS in the prelude for trying to privatise it. We must not forget that it was Governmental actions and instruction that has brought the NHS to its current predicament, not the NHS itself.

There is so much that could be written about this it is hard to stop, to know when to stop, should we ever stop? I have no doubt many books will be written and are in fact being written at this very moment about this stage in our lives. It is a momentous time as we move from ostensibly trying to save others lives to saving all of us from having our lives controlled, including the lives of those who are quite comfortable with the state playing Mother. This is something that has been discussed, predicted, written about, for a long long time. It is happening now, now is the time. Now is the only time we can make a difference.

I think next time I will try to get a bit more focussed on maybe one or two aspects of all this rather than drifting from one thing to another. It is hard though because there is so much to it.. anyway..

I wish you a good, happy Christmas, surrounded by your friends and family and a 2021 that will fill the history books with the story of when the peoples of the Western World eventually found their bollocks and pushed back.