..and there was light.. (Covid 19 Part 2)

Vaccines. It’s one of those subjects which seem to completely divide people isn’t it. On one side we have a group who say don’t ever take a vaccine and on the other side a group saying take every vaccine you can get your hands on. Who is right? Is there a right and a wrong?

There is a middle ground also which doesn’t really get talked about due to the pro/anti sides trying to shout over each other and drowning everything out. There is a growing group of people, coming from both sides of the discussion, who believe that vaccines could be a good thing, the theory certainly sounds good, but there has to be trust. To gain trust independent reliable testing is required before one gets used on people. That makes sense to most people. I would say I am currently in the middle group and lean towards being against a rushed Covid 19 vaccine.

I will start with a summary and go into more details later. There are several companies claiming to have a viable vaccination for Covid 19. The research has progressed at a faster pace due to using already available research from SARS and MERS, both coronaviruses. That is their claim and I can accept the logic. Some of the components of the proposed vaccines may indeed have already been tested in other products which negates the need for further testing of those ingredients. However, testing has not previously been carried out on the proposed vaccine as a whole, when everything is mixed together, the fluid they want to inject into our bodies.

There has been minimal testing carried out by the pharmaceutical companies, 3 months compared to at least 5 years, sometimes 15 to 20 years. There is no way of knowing if any long term effects may present themselves a few years down the road. The question then would be do we trust the vaccine manufacturers? Given their record of misinformation and under the table settlements for all kinds of illegal activity the answer is quite simply that we should not trust them at all.

We should be asking why Governments and pharmaceutical companies have both ensured that they cannot be held responsible, legally, for any damage caused to a Covid 19 vaccine recipient. Both in the UK and the USA governments already have funds to compensate vaccine injuries, which they do with billions of dollars. This time it would seem that they have no faith in the product, so why then should we?

There are other questions we could be asking too. One that springs to mind is that if the Covid 19 vaccine is based on previous research, which has been going on for over a decade, investigating SARS and MERS, where is the SARS and MERS vaccine? Will the Covid 19 vaccine work on SARS and MERS too, on any other coronavirus like flu and the common cold? I would suggest the answer to that is no it will not otherwise we would be hearing all about it. I believe this is important to consider given that coronaviruses all work in the same way, little hooks, the same hooks this new vaccine is apparently using to stop a Covid 19 infection flaring up. The question is simply, if the previous research has produced a vaccine for the new Covid 19 virus, why has there not been the same progress on SARS and MERS in particular but coronaviruses in general?

To summarise the summary then. Minimal testing has been carried out and the effects beyond a three month period are totally unknown. Governments and vaccine producers have ensured that neither of them can be held legally responsible for any vaccine damage which does not indicate trust in the product. If the Covid 19 vaccine is based on SARS and MERS research how is it we have a Covid 19 vaccine after less than a year but after over a decade we still have no vaccine for SARS or MERS even though the research on those two viruses has been the basis for a brand new Covid 19 vaccine.

Even the summary went on a bit didn’t it? Well now it’s going to get fleshed out a bit.

Testing, which has never been independent, usually lasts between 5 and 10 years on average, in some cases 15 to 20 years. The tests are financed by the pharmaceutical company who manufacture the drug in question and therefore it has to be accepted that the results of the tests will be skewed in their favour.

Any independent tests carried out will be poorly funded and unable to access all the data the manufacturer has on the drug. Furthermore the results of independent testing will be hard to find as anything reporting negative effects will not be discussed on the mainstream news or in the newspapers if for no other reason than these drug companies spend a mouthwatering amount of money on advertising.

Government bodies which exist to regulate drugs have long been hijacked by the drug companies. People have been appointed from drug companies to government agencies in many countries throughout the World. During their tenure the previous, and possibly future, employer will have their products passed with little scrutiny. Once the task is complete these people then go back to working in the pharmaceutical industry again. This revolving door does not just apply to the higher positions but includes all levels of staff.

We can reasonably conclude that the official testing process, from the bottom to the top, is unreliable at best. Add to this that the companies and individuals involved cannot be prosecuted, cannot be sued, if their product injures a recipient and we take a rather dark turn in the whole process.

If we take a peek at why this is the case it boils down to pharmaceutical companies in the past being sued, losing the cases, then having to pay compensation to the individuals they damaged. The cost of this was very high because they did damage a lot of people. Governments were then basically blackmailed, give the drug companies immunity from prosecution or they would stop manufacturing vaccines.

The simple fact that so many people were damaged and their claims upheld points to a major issue within the vaccine manufacturing industry. Damage still occurs today but Governments have had to create their own money pot to deal with those claims. In the case of Covid 19 Governments have excused themselves even that responsibility by clearly stating they will not be held responsible for damage caused.

In all other areas of our lives if we are caused damage or loss we are entitled to some compensation of one kind or another. With the proposed vaccines for Covid 19 we have none. It’s all down to the individual to weigh up the risk and take responsibility, there is no comeback, no retries. This decision requires more than blind faith. This requires access to all the information, informed consent as it is referred to.

Anyone who has ever taken a prescribed drug, for whatever reason, will have been supplied with a piece of paper, with print so tiny a magnifying glass is required to read it. On this piece of paper is a long list, sometimes a very long list, of what are called “Side Effects.” However, there is no such thing as side effects, they are simply effects. Some people will have some of them, others won’t seem to have any. Without reliable and lengthy testing a Covid 19 vaccines side effect sheet will be very short as many of the effects will be unknown, particularly the long term ones.

The annual flu, the common cold, both are Coronaviruses. I am not suggesting that Covid 19 is just a flu, if it is then it’s a particularly nasty one, but let’s not belittle its perceived effect. Scientists have for many decades been attempting to create a vaccine for Coronaviruses but have failed due to the way the virus mutates. As it mutates it becomes weaker, less deadly, then eventually as good as dies out.

Covid 19 is mutating, we know this, therefore it would make sense that any vaccine which may be alright for one strain will not be for the others which are appearing. Those who have had Covid 19 and recovered, did for a time, have antibodies but they will decline and anyway if they do become infected again it will most likely be a different strain and those antibodies would be of no use anyway even if the body did remember how to produce them. Vaccine induced antibodies will also fade away and be of no use with a different strain.

Does this then mean that in order to combat the mutations we would be expected to have multiple vaccinations all year round? Nice earner for someone. It also raises the question of overload, as in overload of the other bits and bobs that go into the vaccine.

We do not know yet what the ingredients will be but in vaccines currently we have Mercury also known as Thimerosal. Wide spread use of Thimerosal was discontinued a few years back due to health concerns but it is still used in flu vaccines. Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, a poison, is currently used in vaccines. The dose is low in one dose but what level will be present in a body over a year from multiple vaccinations? We can add aluminium, MSG and Gelatin to that list, all small doses in a single vaccine but again what will those levels become from multiple vaccinations every year?

Covid 19 vaccines have been the talk of the Internet since Monday 9th November 2020. Pfizer announced that they were.. close. Their vaccine, like many if not all of the others currently in various stages of development work using mRNA apparently. That may not even be the correct terminology. I am not a scientist as many people on social media like to remind those who do actually take the time to read the conclusions of at least some research papers, sadly a skill not appreciated by many it would sometimes seem.

There have been claims that the vaccines, the mRNA type, could alter our DNA. There are counter claims that this is nonsense. I have not found any information which states RNA alters existing DNA but a simple truth is Reverse Transcriptase where RNA creates new DNA. In fact RNA and PCR, (yes PCR the test currently being used to identify a coronavirus infection) are used in cloning, creating new cells and DNA.

Oh I just mentioned the PCR test.. that may come next. For now though, as far as the Covid 19 vaccine is concerned, I do not trust it. It’s as simple as that..

Take care