NOT Bah Humbug

NOT Bah humbug..

So I’ve just sent an email out to all my peoples letting them know that I will not be buying them Christmas presents this year. I will still see the Grandchildren alright, after all Christmas is for the kids but that’s where it stops.

You may wonder why I am doing this? You might be thinking och that’s a bit Scrooge-like, but I don’t think so and I’ll tell you why.

As I explained to them, instead of buying them presents I am going to take the money I might have spent on them and will give it to a local charity that I believe is worthwhile. This might be a homeless shelter, a food bank, a local childrens charity, I haven’t quite decided yet.. maybe all of them can get something.

I feel that we all have everything we need, and so much more besides. None of us need more stuff. I don’t need more stuff. I’m 59, if I need or want something and have the money I can just go and buy it.. within reason of course. This is not true for too many other people and we aren’t talking about getting the latest iPhone or the new games console, we are talking about something so basic as food and shelter.

I can no longer, in all good conscience spend money on presents for people who have enough, more than enough, when there are so many, especially children, who have very few possessions, no roof, no food, no joy.

I could go into the political ins and outs of how we got to this point. I could go on about the reasons social inequality is perpetuated, but not just now. I live in Scotland, I am optimistic. We have the hope of an independence referendum, of gaining our independence, and then shaping our country to be a fairer place for everyone. For sure our government may be just another face on the powers that be but it would be up to us, the people, to make our voices heard and to make it the place we would like to see because at the moment it certainly is not that.

What happened to Christmas anyway? It used to be about families and friends getting together for a meal, spending time together, catching up. That still happens but “Buying Stuff” seems to have overshadowed that. We seem to have allowed business to take over and as many before me have said, Christmas is now commercialised. But we have allowed it to happen, as with so much of our society, our lives, we have given away our power.

Does it mean I love my children more if I buy them a car for Christmas rather than a mug? No it doesn’t. There’s another 364 days in the year to show my love. Perhaps I would buy them that car so everyone else will think I must really love my children. If I did that I would now have a lot of debt as well. How does debt equate to love? So many people go into debt to pay for Christmas, oh the banks are loving it, the shops are loving it, business loves us at Christmas time, whilst many of us just get stressed to breaking point. You probably already know that the suicide rate goes up at Christmas and no bloody wonder!

Then we have the people that say well we have to keep our children up to date with all the latest shite because all their friends get it and we don’t want ours to feel left out. I do understand that but is that a good thing really? Parents go into debt so their children think it’s normal to have loads of money spent on them at Christmas. It has become their right, they deserve it. Sounds like self centred, selfish, inconsiderate, entitled, me me me behaviour does it not? Is that what we want to teach and encourage?

I didn’t get everything I wanted growing up and I believe this gave me some sort of glimpse of reality. You can’t always get what you want. I did alright, I had what I needed and a bit more besides. I wonder if we are raising a generation who when reality bites it is going to leave teeth marks.

Okay I’m done. I’m not a kill joy. I do enjoy Christmas, getting together, having a wee drink, good food, lots of it.. magic. This year I will feel even better because I know the people who will receive my present money need it the most. I also know that my people will get a kick out of knowing that they aren’t getting some crap from me but are instead helping to contribute to others less fortunate than themselves.

Oh one last thing. You know that stress you feel when getting gifts, will they like this, do they already have one, how much are they going to spend on me, is this enough.. see all that.. gone.. in an instant..

Anyhoo.. enjoy your preparations for Christmas and think on..