Covid 19 Vaccine – A Short History

Before I start let me just say that I believe vaccination against any disease is, and should always remain, a fully informed personal choice.. each to their own. I would also point out that the Covid 19 injection is not a vaccine as we have understood vaccines since their inception.

The Covid injection is a gene therapy which prompts the recipients body to produce, in simple terms, the virus which the immune system then attacks. Traditional vaccines use the actual virus, one way or another, to prompt the immune system to deal with the foreign body. With this new technology the body is prompted to both create the foreign body and then has to deal with it too.

At the beginning of 2020 we were greeted with the news that there was a new virus infecting people and killing them all over the World. We locked down, against many experts advice. We wore masks, against many experts advice. Those experts were the ones censored and not given any access to a mainstream news forum to discuss the concerns.. there was no balanced debate or discussion.

Then we were told that the only way out of this newly defined pandemic was a vaccine. This immediately raised issues due to the simple fact that Covid 19 is a Coronavirus. Within the Coronavirus family are the milder flu and common cold along with those considered more serious such as SARS and MERS. There had, and many would suggest still has not, been a successful vaccine for a Coronavirus. The failure had always been due to the Coronavirus in question mutating frequently but fortunately it always became less harmful as it did so.

It was therefore quite obvious from the first mention of a vaccine that this simply would not happen. Decades of research had failed and there was no reason to suspect that this would change just because the system poured money at the problem. There were however companies already working on a technology which had failed to gain approval from any health agency. This technology was the gene therapy product, in particular Moderna whose sole product was gene therapy and the company was at that time $200 million in debt.

Alternative treatments which were and still are available, used elsewhere in the World successfully, were banned in the USA, Europe and other compliant countries. This opened the door for gene therapy to be approved under emergency use, but only after it was relabelled a vaccine. First and second stage testing was somewhat rushed and the results were to be locked away for 75 years had the pharmaceutical companies and health agencies had their way, which surely must have set alarm bells ringing in any sane persons head, but apparently not.

We are now in stage 3 of the test phase, a massive test on the whole World population. Results are unclear as the data is manipulated massively with the recording methods slanted to favour success. Many, although just how many is not known due to the reporting methods, have obviously suffered adverse effects including death shortly after injection but no-one, absolutely no-one in mainstream media or politics, will make any official connection publicly. A few have broken ranks and questioned what is happening but they are swiftly dealt with by censorship.

Some people are on booster number 5 now in the UK. I sit in disbelief wondering how people can reconcile this in their heads. They have had 4 previous injections, no doubt test themselves religiously and have had positive results, some have even been physically ill with the flu (Covids) but still believe that maybe just one more injection will do it. Maybe they will just keep on taking it until they sadly can’t take any more.

The leading politicians, pharmaceutical company representitives, the WHO and especially the media, all conspired to tell everyone that getting that one “vaccination” would halt the progress of Covid 19. They lied. This injection does not stop anyone becoming infected and ill. This injection does not stop anyone passing it on. This injection is now only claimed to have some unconfirmable ability to lessen the symptoms but as they lied about its other properties they are most likely lying about this too.

I did not comply and hopefully neither did you but if you did, fair enough, it is your choice just as it is mine.